domingo, 3 de março de 2013

39th EBMT Annual Meeting in 2013

39th EBMT Annual Meeting in 2013

The scientific programme is busy and of an excellent standard. We open on Sunday night with some, hopefully short, welcome speeches, followed by the two award winning clinical and scientific abstracts and the EBMT lecture, give this year by Professor Peter Parham. The Working Parties and oral and poster abstract presentations remain at the heart of the meeting and will discuss the work of EBMT members. The Education, Workshop and Controversy sessions will do ‘what it says on the box’. The Plenaries are a mixture of clinical management, basic and translational science and health economics, and are designed to challenge us all, New this year are the ‘Basic Science Elite’ sessions where extra time and discussion will be given to the best of our more scientific submissions. Our traditional joint sessions with WMDA, ASBMT and WBMT will include a celebration of the one millionth transplant, performed in 2013, and a tribute to the legacy of E Donnal Thomas. Individual sessions will be dedicated to the interests of colleagues in Cell Processing (Monday) and Paediatrics (Tuesday). The scientific programme is accompanied by specialist meetings of the nurses, data managers, quality managers and statisticians and also promise to be of the highest quality.

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