quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2012

Late onset of oral chronic GVHD

Late onset of oral chronic GVHD
Manifestação tardia do GVHD oral crônico
Paulo Sérgio da Silva Santos, Fábio Luiz Coracin, Fábio Daumas Nunes, Marina Gallottini Magalhães
Chronic graft-versus-host disease is the major late complication following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and  the major cause for morbidity and loss of quality of life in HSCT long-term survivors. Oral involvement accounts for around 53% - 70%  of bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell recipients, respectively. We report a case of late onset oral chronic GVHD and discuss the  role of the oral health care providers in the early diagnosis and management of this disease. Moreover, oral cGVHD development 4 years  after transplantation and coincident with withdrawing immunosuppression is most uncommon and shows the importance of tracking the  involvement of the oral cavity after allogeneic transplantation.

Acesso ao artigo na íntegra: http://www.abto.org.br/abtov02/portugues/jbt/vol11n_3/volumeCompleto.pdf#page=36